Wisconsin REALTORS® Association

Recent Legal Hottips

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Hottips for September 03, 2024


A seller has approved the listing firm offering compensation to cooperating firms. If the seller receives an offer from a buyer where the buyer is asking the seller in the optional provisions of the offer to pay the buyer's firm's fee, should the listing agent always advise the seller to counter that provision out? 

Answer: Click Here

When are compensation agreements appropriate? Should they be used only when dealing with a buyer-customer or a signed buyer-client?

A firm has buyer agency, and the listing firm said the seller has approved an offer of compensation to cooperating firms. When the buyer drafted the offer, the buyer included the provision asking the seller to pay the buyer's firm's fee, and the buyer's agent also signed the compensation agreement that was sent by the listing firm. 

The listing agent said the seller is going to counter the payment of the buyer's firm's fee out of the offer because it is not necessary because of the firm-to-firm compensation agreement. 

  1. What is the proper form to fill out, and when?
  2. How can an agent be sure they have filled out the correct paperwork to ensure they are getting paid for their time and service?
  3. Why would it be needed to have line 543 in the offer to purchase, and a compensation agreement, if both are in regard to the one property that an offer is being written on?
Answer: Click Here

Is the following okay to include in a private REALTOR®-only remarks and/or the public/consumer remarks field?

"As a matter of policy, XYZ Realty does not offer cooperation or compensation to subagents. Anticipate slow response time to offers due to logistical restrictions."

The question is whether it is okay per the NAR settlement terms to communicate via the MLS that there is NO offer of compensation, be it for subagents and/or buyer’s agents?

Answer: Click Here

Can a buyer's firm express the firm's commission in the buyer agency agreement in the following way? 

1. Commission offered by listing broker/firm for purchase price. If no commission is offered by listing broker/firm, buyer to pay 2.4% of purchase price.

2. Commission offered by listing broker/firm for purchase price. If commission offered by listing broker/firm is less than 2.4% buyer to pay difference. If no commission is offered by the listing broker/firm, buyer to pay 2.4% of purchase price.

Answer: Click Here

Agents are increasingly reporting that, when scheduling property showings, listing agents request a copy of the buyer agency contract or a pre-agency showing agreement, if applicable, or a disclosure to customers. Basically, a listing agent says “hey, you have to prove to me that you have something in writing before I confirm your showing.” What is the best way to proceed in this situation?

Answer: Click Here
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