Partnership for Success Program
Promoting diversity within the REALTOR® membership
The WRA Partnership for Success Program (Program) is designed to promote diversity within the REALTOR® membership and include perspectives from all walks of life including different life experiences, backgrounds, expertise, interests, viewpoints,
characteristics and other qualities. The WRA benefits when the organization reflects the composition of the Wisconsin marketplace. Having a rich mix of agents within the WRA makes the WRA and its firms more welcoming to all customers and clients and
able to understand and serve unique needs in a fair and supportive fashion.
The Program forges a partnership between the applicant, sponsoring broker, local or regional association, and the WRA in a manner designed to enhance the probability of long-term success in the real estate profession. Applicants must be a member of a
group that is underrepresented in the WRA and must demonstrate a commitment to becoming successful real estate practitioners. The sponsoring broker provides a mentor and in-house training for the recipient to optimize the success of the new licensee.
The Program is intended to provide startup assistance to applicants who have not previously held a real estate license. Ideally, the applicant would be a new licensee who has not had a license for more than six months and who is aspiring to become
a full-time agent in Wisconsin.
Stay tuned for new opportunities on the way in 2025!
For more information, contact Wendy Hoang at the WRA.